3Philip J. FryPhilip J. Fry, or more commonly called Fry, is the main protagonist of Futurama. He is voiced by Billy West.

Dear Zoidberg fans,
Dr. Zoidberg yes is a funny character but Fry reminds everyone of themselves. Also whenever Zoidberg is the star of his own episode they run out of jokes and the episode is very, very boring
From Fry fan

Fry doesn't remind me of myself... and I disagree. I have enjoyed every Zoidberg episode and it has kept me laughing throughout. - triggerita

'No! They did it! They blew it up! And then the apes blew up their society, too! How could this happen? And then the birds took over and ruined their society! And then cows, and then... I don't know! Is that a slug, maybe? NOOO! '
Phillip J. Fry, S7E7 - TheCrystalWolf

I'm going to name my child after him because not only do I love the character but I love the name Philip J. He is my childhood hero & how could you not love him he makes the show!

Philip J Fry has to be number 1 he is amazing funny sweet and there should be a person like him. I am like a girl version of him but there has to be a guy like that somewhere! And I can't believe they stop them I cried so much.4Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth

Professor is cool character and good boss for all of them at planet express and when he says good news everyone - trains45

Farnsworth is absolutely hilarious. Definitely deserves number one. Good news everyone!

I really ought to vote for him... but I am already in my pajamas... - TheCrystalWolf

I really ought to do something... But I am already in my pajamas5Turanga LeelaLeela (full name Turanga Leela) is a fictional character from the animated television series Futurama.

Leela is cool in futurama she had good moments and dad having funny lips when talking - trains45

Leela feels like a real character in a sea of goons. She's often the 'Straight Man' to the rest of the cast. Often she is the moral highpoint, but not in an annoying way and still provides a very funny role. She knows what she wants and works hard for it.

Smart, hot and very determined. Must be number one!


She is good but too serious chill little bit6Amy Wong

Amy is a nice character in futurama - trains45

Amy is so funny! They really should give her more lines and more screen time. I enjoy watching her on screen a lot more then Leela.

I love amy! I wish she got more sceen time like Leela. I personally like her better then Leela, she's so funny and cute!

She is the hot cool chick who deserves way more screen time!7Zapp BranniganZapp Brannigan is a fictional character in the animated sitcom Futurama. He is voiced by Billy West, but was originally intended to be voiced by Phil Hartman, with West taking over the role after Hartman's death.

Like he sucks but he has more chemistry with Leela than Fry does.

'The alien mother ship is located here. If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate! '

It's funny one day a man has every thing the next day he blows up a 500 billion dollor space station the next day he has nothing.

I find the most erotic part of a woman is the boob- AHH!8Hermes ConradHermes Conrad is a major character in the American animated series Futurama. Hermes is Jamaican Rastafarian and grade 36 Bureaucrat, and proud of it. He works at Planet Express, handling stamping, filing, collating, and accounting. He is voiced by actor Phil LaMarr.

He is cool and is my 4th fave character

Hermes is really cool in futurama he nice character - trains45

He's better than amy

Everyone: NO!
Bender: DO A FLIP - TheCrystalWolf9Nibbler

He's a talking three eyed alien that has a cape and poops anti-matter, enough said

Dark matter

Cool, and cute baby. yeah.10Roberto

56? 56?! Now that's all I can think about! - Azrura

'I need to stab someone! Where's my stabbing knife? ' - TheCrystalWolf

Just cause I've a hotel in my foot! Flying aubergines! You're not made of Tuesday! Such funny lines...

Roberto is awesome! 'What the- you're not made of Tuesday!

The Contenders

11Kif Kroker

He is super cool!

Him and Amy are so cute together ðŸ˜x8D

Kif is one of those aliens that would be a perfect boyfriend. He wouldn't be the type to judge you, but instead the kind to merely listen to your ideas, and comment on them if you gave him the chance. He's innocent in many ways, therefore differing him from many other males.12Scruffy the Janitor

Scruffy is by far the most interesting and mysterious character. While we know he likes mustaches and porno mags, there is a lot about Scruffy that we don't know. So when he says something even mildly profound, you have to wonder - Who is Scruffy?

Scruffy the Janitor is one of the most genius things to ever appear on Television let alone Futurama!

'A life with out a mustache is no life at all'

Scruffy made the show14Robot Devil

'You can't just renounce how your characters feel. That makes me feel angry! '

He's just a badass. I have a tattoo of him just because I love him so much.

I just love him whenever he sings

The robot hell song enough said15Santa

One of the best interpretations of the holiday spirit!

So funny whenever he's in an episode - RogerMcBaloney16Hypnotoad

Nothing beats hypno toad. ' the dog's good, but the real competition is hypnotoad.'

Hypnotoad rocks.



Very funny. In italian clamps=pinza and we can see his madness when he say 'ci sarebbe da lavorare di pinze e patapinzi e patapunzi' 😂


He is an fantastic...actor


24Ethan 'Bubblegum' Tate
25Seymour Asses

His episode totally didn't make me cry. - TheCrystalWolf


'Thanks! I appreciated that... Naw I'm kidding. That was quite annoying. '
'Naw, I'm just kidding... You're all right! '
Flexo rules!

Nice use of quotes you idiot! Naw I'm just kidding you're all right! But seriously good job with quoting him! - THEGreatLordOfAll

30Francis X. Clampazzo (Clamps)

This Russian guy cracks me up - fuadmondeo34Robo-puppy

'Robo-puppy commencing two-hour yipping session'

38Leo Wong
42LaBarbara Conrad

'Boy needs a daddy! '
'He HAS a daddy! '
'No, he's got two half daddies! ' - TheCrystalWolf

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Top Remixes (33)

1. Philip J. Fry
2. Amy Wong
3. Scruffy the Janitor
1. Bender
2. Dr. Zoidberg
3. Philip J. Fry
1. Philip J. Fry
2. Dr. Zoidberg
3. Amy Wong

View All 33

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Amy Wong comes in at eighth place. She is the Mars University party girl whose parents are loaded and buy her everything that she wants and needs and then some. Like the time her parents told her if she got all B’s they’d buy her a bar, but she got all C’s so they told her they would get her a car.RELATED:She also happens to be Kif’s smizmar; which is like a wife in his world. She has her moments in the series where she’s ridiculously funny and other times where you might just wonder how she got through school at all.
Mom, whose real name is Carol, is at seventh place and she is the power-hungry mother to three eccentric adult male children; Walt, Larry, and Igner. Mom is also like the mother to all the robots as well.She once dated Professor Farnsworth a long, long time ago. He used to help her build her robots until she let on what she really wanted to do with the robots; which was to pretty much take over the world. Her public persona is this sweet and loveable old woman. But in reality, she is just downright evil. The Robot Devil is in fifth place on as one of the ten funniest characters on Futurama and he seems to appear quite often for this group of co-workers and friends.
The only thing is, he usually shows up because of Bender since he is the only robot on the team.RELATED:The Robot Devil’s real name is Beelzebot; something that only. He lives in Robot Hell and he is basically the robot version of the human devil. The only thing about robot hell is the fact that it is actually at an abandoned amusement park once known as Reckless Ted’s Funland. Doctor Zoidberg is in fourth place and he isn’t the type of doctor most humans would want to check out their health situation or injuries.
One would assume that he has lost more patients than he saves.Zoidberg’s full name is Doctor John. He’s a character who seems to always have the worst luck and he seems like he’d be the last one the other characters would pick to be on their dodgeball team. He’s originally from the planet Decapod 10, but he came to Earth to become a doctor when his dreams of being a comedian collapsed.
3 Professor Farnsworth. Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth comes in at third place, and he usually just goes by the name of the Professor. His major forgetfulness and take on old age are ridiculously hilarious a majority of the time. He was born on April 9, 2841; making him around 160-years-old. He looks pretty darn good for his age.RELATED:The Professor happens to be a scientist.
Some days he’s a little more like a mad scientist with some of the insane out of this world inventions that he often comes up with; such as the Smelloscope. Although, he did save a lot of people with that invention. Fry’s full name is Phillip J. He's in second place when it comes to the most hilarious characters on Futurama.
One funny quote from Fry is, “Valentine’s day is coming? Oh crap, I forgot to get a girlfriend again.”The writers for Futurama did an excellent job of coming up with that would only be perfect for Fry. He tends to lack a certain amount of common sense and maybe some smarts.He’s always getting himself into trouble like the time he drank a bottle of water that was actually some kind of foreign emperor and he ended up becoming an emperor himself.
And most of the time, it’s always Leela coming to his rescue. Bender is one hilarious robot. He sits on our ranked list off at the top spot because where else could we put him?He tends to say some of the funniest stuff sometimes and doesn’t appear to have a human emotion sensor either; meaning he always says whatever the heck he wants despite how it may make others feel. He can sometimes be downright mean at times too.Bender’s full name is Bender Bending Rodriguez.
His lovely vocals come from John Dimaggio. When you think of Bender, you probably think of him holding a beer, smoking a cigar, or doing both things at the same time.NEXT.